COVID-19 Policy

COVID-19 Policy

As mentioned in church, Covid rates have risen to the point where the St Lawrence County levels have recently been listed as HIGH for at least one week.  As you may know we had created a policy last winter to mandate masks inside the church when the levels are...
November/December 2022 Newsletter

November/December 2022 Newsletter

A Note from the Pastor What a beautiful summer and early fall we have been blessed with this year.  As so often we complain of the ice and snow and cold of the long, dark North Country winters; for this summer and fall we may certainly give thanks and celebrate....
Sunday School Information

Sunday School Information

Adult Sunday School with Linda Thorbahn will begin on Sunday, November 6 from 10-11 am. Please contact Linda with interest and/or questions,  315-355-1027. Children’s Sunday School (PreK—Grade 6) with Tammy Rubas has begun.  Children will enjoy the...