Welcome to the United Church of Madrid

Sunday Services 11am
6 Cross Street, Madrid, NY 13660

Children's Sunday School

Sundays, 11am-12pm during worship

Adult Sunday School

Sundays, 10am-11am in the Adult Sunday School Room

Get Connected

You can reach our church office by phone at (315)322-4089. Office hours are part-time, but leave a message and we will get back to you soon!

You can also visit our Facebook page or sign up for our Newsletter to stay in touch.

Service Times

Church services are every Sunday, beginning at 11am EST.

Our services run approximately 1 hour.

Closures will be announced for weather and other unanticipated events, and can be found here, on our Facebook page, or on local news sources.


 Come visit us any Sunday at 11am – our services are open to the public and all are welcome!

Hoping to visit at another time? Contact our church office to arrange a visit.

Our Mission & Vision

The Mission of the United Church of Madrid

Go forth and make disciples of Jesus Christ by providing spiritual guidance and Christian education to the church family and community and reaching out to those in need.


Past Sermons

Click below to view selected sermons from past Sundays!

Get Involved

Join Us At Any Event!


1st Sunday in Advent

November 27, 2022 @ 11:00Am
United Church of Madrid

Sunday, November 27, 2022 is the first Sunday in the advent season! Join us at worship at 11am for the lighting of the first candle in the advent wreath – the candle of hope. We welcome all who are interested to join us in sharing the warmth and joy of the advent season.

Christmas Concert

December 3, 2022 @ 3:00PM
United Church of Madrid
The Senior Choir of the United Church of Madrid is pleased to announce our Christmas Concert to kick off the holiday season! The concert – aptly titled “The Christmas Story” – will take place on Saturday, December 3 at 3pm in the sanctuary of the United Church of Madrid at 6 Cross Street, Madrid, NY. For more information, click here to see the event page!

Thanksgiving Sunday

November 20, 2022 @ 11:00am
United Church of Madrid

It is that time of year where we give thanks for all the blessings God has bestowed upon us. 

As a reminder to keep in mind those who are less fortunate – now and always – we encourage you to bring a non-perishable food item to church with you today to share with the local food pantry.

Church news

The Latest News & Updates

COVID-19 Policy

COVID-19 Policy

United Church of Madrid’s COVID-19 Policy – Updated 10/23/2022