Contact Information

How to reach us at the United Church of Madrid

Mailing Address
PO Box 174, Madrid, NY 13660

Physical Address
6 Church Street, Madrid, NY 13660

Church Phone
(315) 322 – 4089


Email Address
[email protected]

Church Office
Secretary – Joyce Finen
Madrid Office Hours – 9-1 Tuesdays/Wednesdays

Rev. Richard Lenz
Email: [email protected]
Cell phone: 518-610-2976

Worship at 11AM

A Note from the Pastor

What a beautiful summer and early fall we have been blessed with this year.  As so often we complain of the ice and snow and cold of the long, dark North Country winters; for this summer and fall we may certainly give thanks and celebrate.

However, as the year-end is soon upon us, our time here will give way to our “Snow-Bird” departure, soon after Christmas.

We plan to be at home, in Florida, from January to late April/early May; “winging” north again, “re-settling” with you for the spring, summer & fall of 2023!

During our time apart we do ask you to continue your support of our church and faith family, our missions, ministries, and regular Sunday worship times, held in the loving hands and hearts of our capable ministry teams of Lay Speakers and Lay Leaders, music and choir leaders, Church President and Administrative Board, Pastor/Parish Relations committee, the Trustees, and especially you, the congregation of the “Magic” church!  We love the way you love each other!

While we may be away from the parsonage and the pulpit for the winter months, we do plan to remain as close in spirit and contact as possible by phone, text, zoom, and/or email.  What we will miss is our spirited, up-lifting worship services, choral and special music presentations, exercise class and Bible Study, Tea Parties and especially the goodies and friendly back-door parsonage visits.

However, we are not done yet; in November and December some of the very best worship times and holidays are to come.

So, if we are to keep growing we must also keep inviting – “Make-a-Friend/Be-a-Friend/Bring-a-Friend to Christ” – Thanksgiving, Advent, the Choir Christmas Coffee House, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services are perfect opportunities to welcome guests and friends.  Perfect times to show and increase your support of our wonderful church!

Kathy and I wish to express our deepest appreciation for your welcome, care and friendship as your new and renewed Pastor and Mrs. Pastor, as we love, help and guide each other, as partners together in ministry.  We pray God’s many blessings for you as you have so blessed us.

May the Peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you.

                                                Pastor Dick & Kathy

Some Much Needed Thank You’s…

For any and all of you who so lovingly and willingly gave of your time and talent to the repair and restoration of the parsonage; we give you thanks.

To the many who tend to their roles serving on the various boards and committees for the work and the business of the church; we give you thanks.

To those with paint brushes and rollers, hammers and screw-guns in hand; wall paper and dust-busters at the ready; light bulb and smoke alarm fixers; we give you thanks.

There’s so much to be thankful for; and we are especially thankful for you who make the church safe and clean for all.  It truly takes a family, and we give you thanks.

United Church of Madrid – President’s Report

I am going to start my report with Covid because it appears to be rearing its ugly head again.  A quick reminder that our church policy that was approved by the Administrative Board is that if the St Lawrence County risk level is low or medium masking would be optional but recommended within the United Church.  If the risk level is high masking would be mandated until such time the level changed.  The St Lawrence County risk level is only assessed once a month at this point.  I do check it and the last monthly level for September (issued early October) was medium.  The next level assessment will be done during the first week of November.  If the level changes to high the congregation will be notified.  That said, there have been a couple of potential exposures within our church community recently.  Masking is recommended even if not mandated at this point so please use your best judgement. 

I would like to next focus on all of the positive things that we have seen with the church since Dick and Kathy have returned.  First of all, gentle exercise with Kathy has been a wonderful addition.  It is something I personally look forward to on Mondays and Thursdays.  Once a month Kathy has also been working on a Community Connections presentation to help educate our congregation.  September’s presentation was Madrid Town Supervisor, Tony Cooper.  This was well attended and we received an update on what the town has been accomplishing lately.  Future presentations will be announced.  Pastor Dick is working with a group of potential church members to be installed in November. 

We have reinstated our noisy can collection until the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving.  This collection will be to benefit disaster relief in Florida, Puerto Rico, and Ukraine.  We want to keep the Ukrainians in our thoughts during the ongoing conflict and assist with relief for hurricane affected areas.  The recent bake sale was very successful and these will continue throughout the year.  The Choir is planning to bring back the very popular Christmas Coffeehouse this year.  We are looking forward to it!

Thanks again to all who assist the church in front and behind the scenes.  We cannot continue without all of us assisting to keep everything going!

Respectfully submitted,

Kerrie L Cooper
UCM President

Annual Administrative Board Meeting

The Annual Administrative Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 19st, 2023, at 6:30pm.  Please have all materials and reports to Joyce by Tuesday, January 17th to be included in the packet.

Thank you!
Kerrie Cooper

Sunday Worship Services

November Sunday Worship
*Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, 11/6!

November 6 All Saints Sunday
Worship at 11 AM with Pastor Richard Lenz
(2 Thess. 2:1-5, 13-17; Luke 20:27-38)

November 8 – Election Day

November 13 – Worship at 11AM with Pastor Richard Lenz
(Isa. 65:17-25; Luke 21:5-19)

November 20 – Worship at 11 AM with Rev. Richard Lenz
(Col. 1:11-20; Luke 23:33-43)

November 27First Day of Advent
Worship at 11 AM with Rev. Richard Lenz
(Isa. 2:1-5; Matt. 24:36-44)

December Sunday Worship

December 4 Second Sunday of Advent
Worship at 11 AM with Rev. Richard Lenz          
(Isa. 11:1-10; Matt. 3:1-12)

December 11Third Sunday of Advent
Worship at 11 AM with Rev. Richard Lenz                        
(Isa. 35:1-10; Matt. 11:2-11)

December 18Fourth Sunday of Advent
Worship at 11AM with Rev. Richard Lenz 
(Isa. 7:10-16; Matt. 1:18-25)

December 24 – Christmas Eve Service at 7pm Family Service
11:30pm – Midnight Service

December 25 – Christmas Day                
Worship at 11 AM with Rev. Richard Lenz
(1 Sam. 2:L18-20, 26; Psalm 148; Col. 3:12- 17; Luke 2:41-52)


Pledge letters will soon be coming out.  Please consider the future of our church when deciding on an amount you can give.

Flowers for the Altar

If anyone would like to donate flowers during Christmas Season in memory or in honor of someone, a sheet will be provided at the back of the church the first Sunday in December to sign up.  They need to be taken home after the December 25th church service because they cannot be donated to nursing homes this year because of COVID.

We Lift These Persons Up in Prayer…

  • Rick Carrier
  • Sandy Martin
  • Glen Taylor
  • Fran Pierce
  • Jim Pipher
  • Gayle Hammers
  • Tom & Susie Jones
  • Bill Jones
  • Ira & Emma Benware
  • Betty Rookey
  • Sharon Wise
  • The family of Don Finen
  • Gary Villnave
  • Jim Carkner
  • Janet Raven
  • Gloria Watson
  • Betty Dawley
  • Family of Janet Bentley
  • Our DS Rev. Mike Weeden & family
  • Bishop Mark J. Webb & family
  • The jobless and homeless
  • Our President
  • Our soldiers and their families
  • Students & teachers
  • Those in nursing homes
  • Victims of natural disasters
  • Those who are grieving
  • Those in addiction recovery & victims of terrorism
  • Everyone going through the COVID19 pandemic

November & December Birthdays!

Happy November Birthdays To:

  • 1st        Tim Holzmann
  • 3rd        Laurie Lucas
  • 11th      Camryn Violet Chester
  • 17th      Marsha Watson
  • 20th      Mark Watson

Happy December Birthdays To:

  • 3rd        Makenzie Holzmann
  • 5th        Emma Benware
  • 19th      Natalie Lucas
  • 22nd     Morgan Nicole Sabre

Thank You’s To…

Thank you to Brian & Megan Moulton and Bruce Durant Jr. for mowing this summer.  Job well done!


Capital Campaign
We will continue to collect for the Capital Campaign throughout 2022.  As there are 5 stained windows in the process of being repaired.  As of October 25th, we have collected $6,317.00. Thanks to everyone for their monetary contributions to keep our church building safe, even small amounts add up.

Recycling & Saving
We continue to collect redeemable cans and bottles.  The proceeds at present go to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.  This is an effort that Alton Fisher managed for many years.  So if you have redeemable bottles and cans, please deposit them in the receptacles in the hall leading to the Sunday School stairs.

Sunday Bulletins
The signup sheet for 2022 is on the back table at church again.  The cost is still $7.00 for this year.  You can sign up any time and put your money in with your pledge or in an envelope marked bulletin with the date of the bulletin noted.  Thank you to everyone who has filled in a date. Sheets for next year will be out in December.

Fundraisers – by Lorraine Benware
Our bake sale in September brought in around $543.00. However, we have to cancel the pulled-pork dinner for now.  Will plan to do it in the spring.  Thank you to everyone who volunteered and or donated to the fund raiser and made it so successful!

Mission & Outreach

Rada Knives
Rada knives are an ongoing fundraiser.  We have some on hand and they can always be ordered for you.  Contact Linda Thorbahn for information.  They make great gifts.

New Freedom Home
We will be collecting items for stockings for the men at the New Freedom Home in Canton.  There are 24 men there at the present time.  The following items are needed:  toothbrushes, toothpaste, shaving cream, deodorant, 3 in 1 body wash & conditioner, disposable razors, socks, pens & small pads, candy & small packages of gum.  Monetary donations are always welcome.

Angel Tree
Pam Dalton will be doing the Angel Tree again this year.  Marge Barney will be in charge of it here.  As soon as Pam receives names from the school, angels will be given to the church. 

Shepherding Committee
The newly formed Shepherding Committee has graciously reviewed our church directory to help revise and update information on our church family/members. They have been reaching out, especially to those we have not seen in a while, to see how everyone is doing and to update any contact information. We have also created church gift bags to welcome new people who visit our church to help them feel welcome. We invite you to reach out in your own special way to those who may need a card/note of cheer and well wishes, or maybe a phone call. You never know how much that may “touch” someone and lift their spirits knowing they are thought of with care and love.

Community Connections
A big thanks to Tony Cooper, Town Supervisor, for his presentation on Sunday, September 25. There was a nice crowd that enjoyed coffee and goodies after worship and learned about the projects and other interesting topics around town.

We are in the process of rescheduling our October “Connections” in November with Canton-Potsdam Hospital Physical Therapist and Occupational Therapist. Plans for December “Connections” is to have a Counselor share information about sensitive issues around the holidays, S.A.D.D., etc. Please stay tuned with our FaceBook and church emails for more information.

If you have suggestions for future topics for “Community Connections,” please contact the church office or Kathy Lenz.

Gentle Spirit-Filled Chair Exercise
If you are free on Monday and Thursday morning at 10am, we hope you will try out the exercise classes in the fellowship room As we age, it is important to keep our bodies moving to help with our balance, flexibility and strength. You will enjoy exercising to Christian music that fills your heart and soul. Your body and spirit will thank you for it. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and bring a bottle of water. Women and men are invited. We hope you will give it a try. Any questions, contact Kathy Lenz, 315-755-7885.