Contact Information

How to reach us at the United Church of Madrid

Mailing Address
PO Box 174, Madrid, NY 13660

Physical Address
6 Church Street, Madrid, NY 13660

Church Phone
(315) 322 – 4089


Email Address
[email protected]

Church Office
Secretary – Joyce Finen
Madrid Office Hours – 9-1 Tuesdays/Wednesdays

Rev. Richard Lenz
Email: [email protected]
Cell phone: 518-610-2976

Worship at 11AM

A Note from the Pastor

We’re Baaack! And Kathy and I are blessed-beyond-blessed to be with you and the church again, for the summer… and now beyond as your newly elected “Settled Pastor;” for a time such as this. We’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, it seems like only yesterday that I last “retired” – three years ago – but in our first three Sundays together, and every Sunday since, it feels like we have picked-up right where we left-off. Our church, and the Madrid community, has always welcomed us and made us feel so much at home that the decision to come back was easy.

But, of course, we could not have done it if it were not for all of you and your vote of confidence given to us on Sunday, August 21. And, so, we all owe a very great vote of confidence and thanksgiving to our wonderful Joint-Church (Louisville & Madrid) Search Committee for their tireless pursuit of a pastor for the people. We hope to give them a nice long vacation from their vocation.

Now as we look forward to our second act together, let us pray for God’s strength to continue in our current ministries, for the discernment of Jesus in seeking out new ministry opportunities, and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to go forth and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world; always reaching out to those in need.

We love you and look forward to working and worshiping with you as our future unfolds.

Blessings to all from your Pastor and Mrs. Pastor,
Dick & Kathy Lenz

Note from our President of the Admin Board

What a wonderful summer it has been for the United Church!  The following message is from Kathy Felix, Chair of the Pastor Search Committee.  “After a several year search on August 21, by a unanimous congregational vote, Pastor Dick Lenz was accepted as the next settled pastor for the United Church of Madrid and Louisville Community Church. Dick will work in a part-time capacity, and will be with us for most of the year, returning to Florida for the months of January through April (or May-depending upon the weather!) While in Florida, he will be available via phone for meetings, and other things deemed as necessary. Welcome back to Pastor Dick and Mrs. Pastor Kathy Lenz!  Thank you to the entire Search Committee for all of their work!”

One thing that Kathy has begun is what we are calling a Shepherding Committee.  This committee is reaching out to members we haven’t seen a while and others to make sure they know we are here and very willing to welcome them back!  We also will be updating the directory and making sure those who would like a church newsletter get them.  We look forward to greeting people returning to the church and new people also!  It’s all about outreach!

Anyone who hasn’t tried it yet should come to the Spiritual Gentle Exercise class held by Kathy Lenz in the Fellowship Hall at the church on Mondays and Thursdays at 10 am.  I have been going and I can tell you I am feeling better and better each week!

There are other things beginning and more to come.  It feels good to be an active church again!  I urge people to be involved where they can.  It does the soul good!

On the Covid front (we haven’t forgotten about this) the St Lawrence County Dept of Public Health is now only indicating risk level for the county once a month.  Our policy states that if we are in Low or Medium risk masking will be optional and at the discretion of each person in attendance.  If the risk level moves to high, masks will once again be required to be worn during church services and events at the church.  The current level for August is Medium so everyone will be updated in early September if this changes.

Thanks again to everyone working to make our church a wonderful place to worship and make lifelong friends!

Kerrie Cooper
President Ad Board UCM

Confirmation/New Member Class

Is church meaningful to you in your life? Do you want to know more about being a member of your church? Does the next step in your journey of faith include a better understanding of why you are a Christian? Are you considering transferring your current membership from a former church and affirming your new membership in our church? Are you or do you know someone age 13 to 18 who would like to confirm their membership in our church? Then I invite you to contact the Pastor to further inquire about your Confirmation and/or New Member opportunities.

Typically, students 13 to 18 years of age are considered candidates for Confirmation, and adults 18 and over (sometimes even way over) are candidates for New Membership. Each holds its special place along one’s journey of faith toward committing to full membership in your church.

For more information, please contact the church office, 315 – 322 – 4089 or Pastor Lenz, 518 – 610 – 2976.

Bible Study Returns

We believe the time is right to bring back our Tuesday Morning Bible Study, beginning September 13.  We will plan to meet in the Adult Sunday School room on Tuesday mornings at 10:00am for Bible Reading and Study and a time of prayer. As in the past, regular attendance is not required and we always welcome your input, suggestions and questions for passages open for study and/or reflection.

Because the Holy Bible holds the key to our faith and practice in life we hope you will make it your resolution to join us for the fellowship and faith sharing that benefits the heart and soul found within its pages.

You do not need to sign-up, just please feel free to show-up; your presence will be our answer to prayer.

Some Much Needed Thank You’s…

For any and all of you who so lovingly and willingly gave of your time and talent to the repair and restoration of the parsonage; we give you thanks.

To the many who tend to their roles serving on the various boards and committees for the work and the business of the church; we give you thanks.

To the many who share their faith in music and song, worship and praise, meeting and greeting parishioners and guests every Sunday; we give you thanks.

To those with paint brushes and rollers, hammers and screw-guns in hand; wallpaper and dust-busters at the ready; light bulb and smoke alarm fixers; we give you thanks.

There’s so much to be thankful for; and we are especially thankful for you who make the church safe and clean for all. It truly takes a family; and we give you thanks.

We Lift These Persons Up In Prayer:

  • Rick Carrier
  • Sandy Martin
  • Glen Taylor
  • Fran Pierce 
  • Jim Pipher
  • Gayle Hammers
  • Tom & Susie Jones
  • Bill Jones
  • Ira & Emma Benware
  • Betty Rookey
  • Sharon Wise
  • Don Finen   
  • Doris Stewart
  • Gary Villnave
  • Jim Carkner
  • Janet Bentley
  • Janet Raven
  • Gloria Watson
  • Betty Dawley
  • Family of Betty Beswick
  • Our DS Rev. Mike Weeden & family
  • Bishop Mark J. Webb & family
  • The jobless and homeless
  • Our President
  • Our soldiers and their families
  • Students & teachers
  • Those in nursing homes
  • Victims of natural disasters
  • Those who are grieving
  • Those in addiction recovery & victims of terrorism
  • Everyone going through the COVID-19 Pandemic

September Scripture Readings

Sept  4 – Worship with Pastor Richard Lenz
with communion
(Philem 1:1-21; Luke 14:25-33)

Sept 11 – Worship with Pastor Richard Lenz
(1 Tim 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-10)

Sept 18 – Worship with Pastor Richard Lenz
(1 Tim 2:1-7; Luke 16:1-13)

Sept 25 – Worship with Pastor Richard Lenz
(1 Tim 6:6-19; Luke 16:19-31)

October Scripture Readings

Oct 2 – Worship with Pastor Richard Lenz
with communion
(2 Tim 1:1-14; Luke 17:5-10)

Oct 9 – Worship with Pastor. Richard Lenz
(2 Tim 2:8-15; Luke 17:11-19)       

Oct 16 – Worship with Pastor Richard Lenz
(2 Tim. 3:14-4:5;Luke 18:1-8)

Oct 23 – Worship with Pastor Richard Lenz
(2 Tim 4:6-8, 16-18; Luke 18:9-14)                  

Oct 30 – Worship with Pastor Richard Lenz                      
(2 Thess 1:1-4, 11-12; Luke 19:1-10)

Happy September Birthdays

1st  Sandy Moulton

5th   Nathan Moulton

6th  Maya Lagos

10th  Joyce Wells

19th  Millie McDowell

22nd  Bernie Moulton

23rd  Joshua Reed

Happy October Birthdays

1st   Rae Johnston

7th  Marnie Johnston

11th  Catherine Boula

15th  Dick McDougall

18th`  Logan Cordova

19th  Donna Moore

20th  Betty Parmeter

30th  Lorraine Benware

A Thank You Note From Terry Moulton

I would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers while I recovered from recent health issues.  A positive attitude is important at a time like this and prayers and positive thoughts are very important for this.  Again, thank you very much!


Capital Campaign
We will continue to collect for the Campaign throughout 2022 as there are 5 stained windows in the process of being repaired.  As of August 31, we have collected $2,819.00.  Thanks to everyone for their monetary contributions to keep our church buildings safe. Even a small amount adds up.

Recycling and Saving
We continue to collect redeemable cans and bottles.  The proceeds at present go to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund.  This is an effort that Alton Fisher managed for many years.  So if you have redeemable bottles and cans, please deposit them in the receptacles in the hall leading to the Sunday School stairs.

Sunday Bulletins
The signup sheet for 2022 is on the back table at church again.  The cost is still $7.00 for this year. You can sign up at any time and put your money in with your pledge or in an envelope marked “bulletin” with the date of the bulletin noted.

The fundraisers we had in July and August were:  Garage and bake sale – $1300 plus.  If anyone is interested in joining a meeting or has any ideas, please contact Kerrie Cooper(315-323-3044) or Helen Langford (315-323-3684). We will be looking for more volunteers to help with these events for 2022.  We need to keep the church in good financial standing.

Continuing Christian Education for All Ages

Sunday School—Tammy Rubas
We will be offering Sunday School classes for children pre-K to 5th graders during church services from 11-noon.  Classes will start on October 16th with registration and games (please bring your favorite game to share).  Each Sunday come join in on the fun with stories, games, crafts, and snacks!  We do ask for each student to donate a dollar each week to help with expenses for the class

If there is enough interest, Linda Thorbahn is willing to offer Sunday School for the adults.  Please contact Linda (315-355-1027) for more information.


The fundraisers we had in July and August were:  Garage and bake sale – $1300 plus.  If anyone is interested in joining a meeting or has any ideas, please contact Kerrie or Helen Langford (315-323-3684). We will be looking for more volunteers to help with these events for 2022.  We need to keep the church in good financial standing.  

Rada Knives
Rada knives are an ongoing fundraiser.  We have some on hand and they can always be ordered for you.  Remember they also sell dip mixes, soups, etc.  And the brown handled knives can go in the dishwasher.  Contact Linda Thorbahn (315-355-1027) for information.  They make great gifts.

Garage Sale  — by Marge Barney
Thank you to everyone who worked at the Garage Sale Day; anyone who donated items and baked goods and cooked hot dogs.  It was a very successful day thanks to everyone.  We made over $1,000 that day.

Mission & Outreach

New Freedom Home — by Sandy Moulton
We continue to donate Upper Rooms to them.  We gather supplies for the gentlemen that arrive with nothing.  I pick up supplies every time I go shopping.  So if anyone would like to do a monetary donation, any amount will be appreciated.  Thank you for your help!

Welcome Bags
As a way to welcome new people into our church family, we are creating welcome bags for them.  The ushers will welcome new visitors and direct them to sign the guest book and gift them with a welcome bag.  We have also planned gift bags to all children attending Sunday School.  A big thanks to Lorraine Benware and Robin McNamara for gathering special Christian gift items and assembling the bags.  Awesome job!

Community Connections

On Sunday, September 25, following worship we will enjoy coffee hour in the fellowship room with a special presentation by our very own, Tony Cooper, Town Supervisor.  He will share information and updates on any projects that are happening around town and discuss other topics of interests about Madrid.  We look forward to this special time together.

In October (date to be determined) Canton-Potsdam Hospital Physical Therapy will visit during Coffee Hour to share safety and health information as the raking and snow shoveling seasons approach. We all need helpful tips and reminders to prevent injuries.

Events & Groups

Gentle Spirit-Filled Chair Exercise
On Monday and Thursday morning exercise classes will continue in the fellowship room at 10am.  The movements and stretches help increase strength, flexibility and balance.  We all move at our own pace listening to our bodies and understanding what we are able to do and to know our limitations.  It is a fun and safe environment.  Your body will thank you for it and you will be blessed by the Christian cd music and fellowship.  Come wearing comfortable clothes and bring a bottle of water.  Women and men are invited.  We hope you will give it a try.  Any questions, contact Kathy Lenz, 315-755-7885 .

Tea Parties
What joy-filled gatherings at the parsonage using Betty Beswick’s teacups and saucers.  Much laughter and conversation has been truly delightful!  If you have not participated yet and would like to experience this fun gathering of women, please contact Kathy Lenz, 518-755-7885.

Dan Schall Concert
Mark your calendars now for a very special Music Concert with Dan Schall Ministries; Country Gospel Singer, sharing his heart-felt message of the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Come join us Saturday, October 15, 7:00pm at the United Church of Madrid for an evening of music and witness, and time of fellowship to follow.  We hope to see you there; you will be blessed!

Chicken BBQ
The Scotch Presbyterian Church will be having their 67th Annual Chicken BBQ on Saturday, September 10th.  TAKE OUT ONLY. Drive thru service begins at 2:00pm. Adult dinner is $15.00 and  chicken halves only is $8.00. Dinner will include half chicken, baked beans, cabbage salad, roll and slice of pie.

Prayer Chain

This is our revised Prayer Chain:

  •   Pastor Lenz  518-610-2976
  •   Marge Barney  315-322-5515
  •   Emma Benware  315-322-4343
  •   Helen Langford  315-323-3684
  •   Robin McNamara  315-322-5595
  •   Catherine Boula  315-212-9552
  •   Laura Lucas  315-322-5597
  •   Linda Reimer  315-590-3014
  •   Rev. Tom Jones  315-344-7364

  1. Call next number on list.
2. If no answer – call next number and later call number that you were unable to reach.

New members welcome at any time.