Chapter 6

The Windows

The windows in the United Church of Madrid are all memorials to the special group of people who helped to form this church.

DEACON LYMAN POWELL — Deacon Powell was born in Madrid in 1822.  About 1846, he married Lucinda Taylor, a widow with two children.

After Lyman’s marriage to Lucinda, the couple had 7 children of their own – Francis, Alice, Ada, Ida, William, Fremont and Harriet. They moved, with small children and his parents to River Falls, Wisconsin, about 1855.   There he died in 1872.  In his obituary, Mr. Powell was described as a good and patient man. “For Fourteen consecutive years he has stood before the children as a Sabbath School Superintendent. And among them none knew him but to love him. Oft have we seen him at this accustomed place before the alter. Love sat up on his countenance and scattered delight through the sometimes impatient throng. Then anon that little bell would ring a joyful quiet peal, and all was still. His word was law to them – his wish was joy.”[1]

His step-son Horace A. Taylor went on to do great things. During his lifetime, he became the Consul General to France under President Garfield, Railroad commissioner under Benjamin Harrison and for eight years under Presidents McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt, he was the first assistant secretary of the Treasury.[2]

MR. AND MRS. CYPRIAN POWELL — Cyprian Powell was born in Canada in 1811. He traveled with his family to Potsdam at an early age. His father, Frederick, was a printer and started the first newspaper in Potsdam. Cyprian worked with him for a time.  However, he was not interested in the printing business and set about as a clerk in a local dry goods establishment.  When the opportunity arose, he became the head clerk at a branch store that opened in Madrid in 1842.  Before long, Cyprian owned the dry goods store.  According to the Ogdensburg Republican “his was the store in Madrid”.

Once a year he would go on a buying trip to New York City which involved navigating the Hudson River to Albany, sailing the Erie Canal to Syracuse, then another waterway to Oswego.  Finally moving from Oswego to Ogdensburg, his goods were transported to Madrid by ox cart.   In 1858, on one of these trips there was a train derailment and Mr. Powell, of Madrid, had one leg broken, and was otherwise badly injured.[3] His leg was amputated shortly after.

Cyprian married Carolyn ? in about 1840.  Her first son was Frederick born in 1841.  She died in childbirth and was buried with a second son, William, in August of 1843.  Cyprian then married Mary Arnold Manley, his second wife, who was born in Vermont.  They had additional children, Mariah and William Manley Powell 

The family became involved with the Congregational Church where he became a deacon.  After retiring from the mercantile business, he served the town as Town Supervisor in 1856 and 1861, and served several terms as Justice of the Peace.  He died in Madrid, January 20, 1892.  He is buried with his 2 wives, Caroline and Mary.  Mrs. Powell died at the age of 99 while living with her daughter.  She was a woman of many charming characteristics. She had innumerable friends in the village.[4]

Their son, Frederick, was in the 106th NY Vol., Co. G  during the Civil War and was listed as a private.   He died in 1891.  Their daughter Mariah married Frank T. Frost and lived in Smith Falls, Ontario.  Mr. Frost was a senator in the Canadian government.  William Powell moved back to Canada to live.

DEACON HIRAM PACKARD — Hiram Packard was born in Charlotte, Vermont in 1807. He came at a young age to Madrid with his family. His father was Abisha Packard, his mother Rebecca Preston Packard.  He had five brothers and two sisters.  We believe that Mr. Packard was a farmer, but there is no solid evidence that has been found yet to substantiate this.  He was listed only in the 1840 census which did not include other family member’s names, just numbers.   Became a member of the church in 1826.

Hiram married Caroline Dimmick in about 1828.  To them were born four children:  Martha (1829-1832) and Sarah (1833-1836) who both died young; Juliette, born in 1837, married Sylvester Wright and died in 1912; and Harlan (1845-1923), who moved west after serving honorably during the Civil War.  He migrated to South Dakota, where he served in the state legislature, was elected State President of the G.A.R. (Grand Army of the Republic) and then became president of the Redfield Bank and owned a profitable fire insurance company.

Hiram died in 1847 at the age of 40.  In looking at Mr. Packard’s family history, we have found that John and Priscilla Alden of Mayflower fame are his 5th great-grandparents. 

JANE SHILLINGLAW — Jane Thompson Shillinglaw was born in Scotland in 1826.  She and her husband Robert first settled in New York City.  During the Civil War, Robert enlisted and was a Captain in the 79th NY Infantry, Co. I.  His unit was stationed in Washington, DC as part of the Army of the Potomac. 

Jane, with two small children, followed Robert to Washington.  Robert was wounded in the First Battle of Bull Run, was captured and finally exchanged and mustered out of service. He later served as aide de camp for General Orlando B. Willcox.  On January 20, 1863, Shillinglaw, ‘still a suffering soldier’ due to the severity of his wounds received at Bull Run, was granted his discharge from the service.”[5]  The family decided to stay in the area and a third child was born. 

In 1870, Robert died of the wounds he had received and from which he never recovered.  He is buried in the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, DC. 

After Robert’s death, Jane’s health began to fail.  She and her children moved to Madrid for better surroundings.  In 1881 she and her daughter became members of the church. Her son James became a pharmacist and lived in Malone.  Shortly before his mother’s death, he took her to live with him there, and in April of 1890 she died of consumption. 

James’ little sister Maymie (Mary E.) went to live with her sister, Mrs. William (Margaret) Robinson who was the sister-in-law of Mrs. Abner D. Whitney.  Sadly, Maymie died in 1897.

Jane Shillinglaw is buried in the Madrid cemetery and this window was commissioned at her death by her family. The window was dedicated with the rest of the church in May 1890.

DEACON IVERS FISK — Ivers Fisk was born in 1803 in Vermont.  He came to Madrid in 1816.  He was a tinsmith by trade.  According to a map of Madrid, in 1865, Mr. Fisk’s house and Tin Shop were located approximately where the fire station now stands (on Church Street).  Ivers and his wife Anna had five children, Sarah (1825-1847), Roxanna (1829-1876), Henry (1835-1852), Lucinda (1825-1908) and Amoret, who married Anson Willard Hall and moved to Michigan.

Mr. Fisk joined the Congregational church in 1822 and was a member for 52 years.  He also served as deacon. From his obituary in the Ogdensburg Journal, Feb 24, 1874 is this description – “He was a man of industrious habits, unquestioned integrity, and more than ordinary native talent.  His liberal and unobtrusive benevolence, particularly endeared him to the hearts of the poor, and his consistent Christian character gained for him the respect of all classes of the community in which he lived.”   A note in the church record reads “One of the useful men, a few of whom are found in every church. His church, for Christ’s sake, was ever dear to his heart.  When still in failing health he put the (sic) present covering of tin on the steeple.  He died as he lived – trusting in Jesus.”

HANNAH DOUGLASS — Hannah Douglass was the wife of George M. Douglass, a miller in the village of Madrid.  Her father was born in Scotland.  She was born in New York in 1839. The 1870 census shows that they had one son, Jay.  She joined the church in 1872.  Her obituary reads, “Mrs. George Douglass passed away on the morning of the 22nd, (Nov. 1884).  Funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. D. Williams, pastor of the church of which deceased was a member.  Mrs. Douglass was a noble woman, patiently enduring all her suffering.  She will be sadly missed in the society in which she mingled.”[6]  She died of consumption.  Hannah was described in the church record as “a most noble woman and one of the most useful in our church work and will be greatly missed.”

SARAH PIERCE — In 1825, Dr. Caleb Pierce married a most estimable lady and a true helpmate to him through life, Miss Sarah Farnsworth, daughter of Gen. James Farnsworth of Fairfax, Vt.  Sarah Farnsworth Pierce was born in Fairfax, Vermont, in 1807.  They lived happily together a term of forty years.  Dr. Pierce’s home was on Main Street.  According to Dr. Pierce’s obituary in 1887 it describes Sarah as “a lady of ability and culture” [7]

Dr. and Mrs. Pierce had six children – James C., James F., Henry, John, Harriet and Granville.

Only James Farnsworth Pierce survived to adulthood.   James moved to Florida, back to Madrid and finally, on to Brooklyn where he became a New York State Senator for the 2nd district for two years. 

Celebrating his wife and family, Dr. Pierce had a monument erected in the cemetery. 

“It is some twenty feet in height, including the statue of “Faith” and has a life-size medallion portrait of the doctor upon the spire, and cost $1,000.”[8]

Sarah became a member of the church in April 1864. 

DEACON SAMUEL BARLOW — Samuel Barlow was born in Lee, Massachusetts, in 1802.  His family first moved to Granville, New York.  At the age of 22, he came to Madrid with Hiram Dayton and together they formed a boot and shoe company. When Mr. Dayton died in 1848, Samuel gave up the shoe business and bought a farm.  He operated it until his death.

On August 17, 1828, Samuel married Althea Packard, sister of Hiram Packard.  They became the first wedding party to be married in the new stone church.  In fact, they were part of a double ceremony, when James A. Wright and Theodocia Dixon were also married.  They became members of the church in 1832.

Samuel and Althea had two children that we know about.    Samuel’s mental capacity as he grew older was not diminished but he suffered greatly from rheumatism and was confined to a wheelchair.   Almon their son was a farmer working alongside his father. In his later years Almon was a correspondent for the Ogdensburg newspaper. They also had a daughter Melinda.

Samuel was extremely active in the Congregational Church.  He was made a deacon in 1850 and remained in that position until his death in 1882.  The church record notes “He was a noble man.  A deacon for many years.  Cheerly carried his cross and laid it down amid the lamentations of the entire people.”

SARAH WINCHESTER — Sarah Sparhark Winchester was born in 1817.  She married Holland Winchester in 1835.  He was originally from Stockholm.  Holland is listed in the 1850 census as a carpenter living in Madrid.  The couple had two children.  Henry was born in 1840 and died in 1918 in Tennessee, and Sarah was born in 1848 and died in Illinois in 1906.  Sarah was the daughter of Justin and Betsey Sparhawk who were early settlers in Madrid.  She died September 13, 1858.

Holland was listed in the 1860 census as living back in Stockholm where he remarried.

DEACON ANSON HALL — Anson Hall was born in Charlotte, Vermont in 1795.  After moving to Madrid, he married Lucinda Dailey in 1822 and together they raised five children.  His children were Anson Willard Hall, who married Amroret Fisk, a daughter or Ivers Fisk  and moved to Michigan, Joseph, Lois who died at age 18, William and Samuel who died at age 20.  Anson was a farmer by profession.  He died on December 2, 1866 at the age of 71.

PHILANDER HALLOCK — Philander Hallock was born in Vermont in 1815.  As a small boy, he came with his family to Madrid.  He married Amanda Levings, the widow of Daniel Packard (brother of Hiram), around 1840 and they raised 3 step-children and 6 children.  They were Liel, Helen Sarah, Betsy, Venetia and Sylvanus.   By occupation, Philander was a farmer.  He joined the church in 1851.  He died on June 6, 1886 of consumption.  His obituary stated, “In religion he was a Congregationalist, having united with that body years ago and he has long held the office of deacon in the church.”[9]

JOHN AND HIRAM HORTON – Both Hiram and John came to Malone with their father in about 1802.

John Horton moved to Madrid in about 1829 and established himself as a business man.  This statement from the St. Lawrence Republican and weekly Ogdensburg Journal (taken from the Malone Paladium) upon his death gives a good description of the man:  “He has for years been a prominent man in the County of St. Lawrence, having been twice elected to the Legislature. He has been closely identified with the advancement and prosperity of the Northern Counties—objects to which his time and money were freely given. In private life Mr. Horton was unostentatious, genial and social. He freely admitted the claims of society upon him, and fully discharged them. He was always ready with his contributions to relieve individual want, and to advance objects of Christian benevolence. He had long been a consistent and earnest Christian.”[10]

Hiram Hanmer Horton was born in Vermont in 1799.  He was also a prominent businessman, partnering with his brother in both Malone and Madrid enterprises.  He was influential and a promoter of industrial development in Malone, including the Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain Railroad.  Hiram married Adeline Wead  in January of 1822.  Mr. Horton was elected to the State Legislature from Franklin County in 1845, on the first board of directors of the Franklin county mutual insurance company, served as Supervisor for Malone and other elected positions.  Hiram also has a memorial window in the Congregational Church in Malone.

MILTON A. and ABNER D. WHITNEY —          Milton A. and Abner D. Whitney were brothers, sons of Daniel and Louisa Whitney.  Their grandparents were among the first settlers to come from Vermont to Madrid.  They were very active in the Madrid community throughout their lives. 

Abner, the youngest, was a businessman starting a Woolen Mill in Madrid.  He, along with his brother Milton established the Madrid Bank in 1896. Abner remained the President of the bank until his death in 1929.  He was very involved in education.  He sat on the school board for the Madrid High School and later, became a trustee for St. Lawrence University.  He was also actively involved with United Helpers.  He married Lucy Robinson and to them were born 2 children.  A son George died at one year of age, and a daughter, Florence lived to be 13. 

Abner and Milton were both involved in the politics of the day.  Abner ran for several positions – assembly, state senate and Congress, none of which he won.  Milton was enthusiastic, but never put himself out for election.  Milton attended Bellville Seminary for a year which may have made him shy of the limelight.

Milton was the eldest brother. Abner and Milton were a very close pair, each enjoying the activities, triumphs and tragedies of the other.  They, had a middle brother, George, who died at age 19. 

In 1873 Milton married Emmeline Currier.  In 1875, she died in childbirth, leaving a daughter Emma.  Again in 1890, he married Ida Stearns and to them was born another daughter Mabel.

In 1893, after having run his family’s farm for years, Milton joined his brother in the Madrid Woolen Mill.  The business suited them. 

Milton was very active in the Methodist church.  He loved children and was the Sunday School Superintendent for many years.  Milton died in 1905.

When it was decided to refurbish the Methodist Church in 1917, new windows were commissioned.  The Good Shepherd was chosen by Abner Whitney and Milton’s family to be created by Mr. Harry Horwood of Ogdensburg and placed as the large window on the Main Street façade. 

The window came to the United Church of Madrid when it was decided to combine the societies into one entity.  The window was removed and moved down the street to its new home and has become of symbol of unity for the two congregations.

[1] Pierce County Herald, Ellsworth, Wisconsin, November 11, 1872.

[2] The Madrid Herald, Madrid, NY, Thursday, August 23, 1906, vol. III, no. 14, p. 1.

[3] The Daily Journal, Ogdensburgh, NY, November 26, 1858, No. 1096, p. 3.

[4] The Ogdensburg Journal, Ogdensburg, N. Y., May 23, 1916, p. 6.

[5] University Archives,, President Lincoln appoints R.T. Shillinglaw a “Captain in the Veteran Reserve Corps in the service of the United States: to rank as such from the twentieth day of August eighteen hundred and sixty three…”

[6] The Ogdensburg Journal, Ogdensburg, NY, December1, 1884.

[7] Courier & Freeman, Potsdam, NY, June 22, 1887, Vol. 35, No. 52, p. 2.

[8] The St. Lawrence Republican and Weekly Journal, Ogdensburg, NY, Wednesday, June 14, 1882, Vol. 52, No. 32,  p. 3.

[9] The Ogdensburg Advance and St. Lawrence Weekly Democrat, Ogdensburg, NY, Thursday, June 17, 1886, Vol. XXI, No. 24, p. 1.

[10] The St. Lawrence Republican and Ogdensburgh weekly Journal, Ogdensburgh, NY, Thursday, October 25, 1859, Vol 29., No. 48, p 1.